Unitarian Universalists for
Peace and Nuclear Disarmament
Our Unitarian Universalists for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament network was formed in 2019 to bring together UU’s concerned about and motivated to end the existential threat posed by nuclear weapons. These genocidal weapons are an affront to all seven of our UU principles and defy our deepest UU yearnings for human dignity and social justice. Nuclear weapons undermine all other social justice causes by their untenable drain on resources to address other needs and their profound threat to humankind and our entire biosphere. Comparable only to climate change in their potential to end human existence, nuclear weapons can do in an afternoon what climate change will do in a century.
Nuclear weapons are a problem created by human beings, and human beings can solve this problem. But time is short, the threat unfathomable. Join us and millions around the world in our campaign to eliminate these horrible instruments of destruction and work toward a world of peace and justice for all — so eloquently defined by our 6th Principle.
There have been 13 past Statements of Conscience and Actions of immediate Witness, along with countless letters and sign-ons by the UUA opposing nuclear weapons over a span of many years. The grounding in our seven principles for this resistance to nuclear weapons is clear. Now it is your turn.
In the following pages we offer a number of resources for UU’s to learn about, get involved with and work toward the elimination of nuclear weapons.
Contact us at uufpnd@gmail.com
Nuclear Disarmament and our Sixth Principle
Concrete Strategies
A Workshop at the 2021 UUA Virtual General Assembly Presented by
Teresa Brooks, All Souls, NYC
Joanne Dufour, OUUC, Olympia, WA
John Liebmann, All Souls, NYC
Neil Osborn, All Soul, NYC
Guy Quinlan, All Souls, NYC
Jerald Ross, First Parish in Bedford, MA
Other works:
Video First Parish Summer Service on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atom Bombing, organized by and homily presented by Jerry Ross
Dateline Nagasaki, August 9, 2018 – by Jerry Ross
Preventing nuclear terrorism – UU World Forum by Guy Quinlin
A New Year’s Resolution Proposal: Put Disarmament on the Agenda for Immediate Attention -taken from a talk by Guy Quinlin
Article from the All Soul’s Bulletin describing recent work of the Nuclear Disarmament Task Force
NUCLEAR WEAPONS NOW-A-DAYS – A live, on-line course:
In Praise of the Non Nuclear World by Joanne Dufour
Resources on Nuclear Disarmament
There’s lots of information on nuclear weapons.
Where to begin? Here’s a short list :
Get Up to Speed Fast
Key Campaigns to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons (websites also have excellent background info)
Other Important Organizations
Political and Economic Resources
Websites for a Deeper Dive
Some Books
How to Get Involved
(Recommended for nuclear disarmament, but works for any cause!)